10 tips and tricks to do on your iPhone

10 tips and tricks to do on your iPhone

Apple is famous for innovating in all its products, so much so that anyone who has an iPhone can barely keep up with the brand’s upgrades.

And in addition to having enviable designs, iPhones have an operating system with exclusive features, iOS, and even bring a virtual assistant full of tricks, Siri.

So, if you’re an Apple Lover, check out 10 tips and tricks to do on your iPhone now:

Due to fast OS update, some features may not be available in versions older than iOS 14.

Take photo with voice command

We open our list with a trick that few users know, the voice command for photos!

Yes, with your iPhone you can take amazing photos without someone having to hold the smartphone for you. To do this, simply place the smartphone on a support, of course, and give the voice command.

Activate this amazing feature in Settings –> Accessibility –> Voice control –> enable Control –> Customize Commands –> Create new command.

From there, you need to type the phrase or keyword, going to Action –> Execute custom gesture –> click in the center of the lower part of the screen –> select Camera –> To save

Automatically mirror selfies

And while we’re on the subject of photos, selfie lovers will love our next tip: how to automatically mirror selfies.

If you don’t like the fact that the front camera inverts your photos, just set the mirror photo mode in Settings –> Camera –> select Mirror Front Camera

Listening to music or video in the background

Ever thought about enjoying your favorite YouTube playlist while using social media?
With your iPhone, this is possible!

To play music/videos in the background, just open YouTube in Chrome in desktop mode, going to options (three dots) –> Request desktop site.

Then you have two options:

The first option is to make the video full screen and drag it up to create a popup.

The second is to drag the browser up to “close”. Then drag the screen down and hit Play on the video popup. Thus, the video does not appear on the screen and you can listen to it while enjoying other apps.

Print the entire page

If you’ve ever had to take several prints of a screen and then assemble an entire figure, you know how boring this is. But Apple users don’t have to go through this hassle, thanks to the Safari browser!

To print the full screen, open the page in Safari –> do and open Print –> select Full Page.

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Calling emergency contacts

Yes, we know that many smartphones allow for emergency contact registration, but not all of them have Siri!

Of course, we hope you never need to use this tip, but in case something happens, you can ask Siri to call your registered contacts as an emergency.

To do this, just say: Siri, call my emergency contacts; Siri, emergency; or Siri, help.

Erase data in case of theft

And since we talk about emergencies, unfortunately no one is safe from being robbed or losing their smartphone. With that in mind, Apple created a security feature that pays off all device data after 10 unsuccessful password attempts.

No, you don’t have to worry if you have kids at home, as Apple has also thought of this and implemented a wait of several minutes between attempts.

This means that it would take many hours to enter 10 incorrect passwords, so it is very unlikely that your data will be accidentally erased.

To enable this feature, go to Settings –> Touch ID and password –> enter the password –> activate Erase Data.

Ask Siri for your password

As the subject is security, I bet you have already forgotten a password and spent hours trying to remember it, or worse, ended up blocking your access.

With Siri, that won’t happen anymore, because in addition to making phone calls and sharing information, it can also recover your passwords for you.

To do this, just say: Hey Siri, show me my passwords. This command will take you to the Passwords and Accounts section of the app, so your passwords will be revealed after authentication.

Another easy way to know a website’s password is to say: Hey Siri, show me my Facebook password (for example).

Custom alerts for different people

Do you know when you’re away from the smartphone, or driving, and it would be nice to know who’s calling or texting before you stop what you’re doing?

With iPhone, you can create custom alerts for different people in your contacts.

To create custom alerts on your iPhone, go to Contacts –> select contact –> Edit –> Touch or Text Touch.

So, you can choose a ringtone for the most important people from the list of iPhone ringtones.

Receiving calls and messages on other Apple devices

If you are an Apple Lover, I bet you have other branded devices besides the iPhone, right?

One of the biggest advantages of iOS is that your smartphone blends in seamlessly with other Apple devices like MacBook, iPad and Apple Watch.
So if you want to answer a call or see a message on another device, do this:

Go to Settings –> Phone or Messages –> Allow calls on other devices or Text Message Forwarding –> choose device.

Turn on dark mode

And now it’s time for a feature that took a while to arrive on the iPhone, but that you can’t stop using, the Dark Mode.

This mode serves to invert the screen colors and allow your eyes to rest better at night, which avoids the famous tired eye.

Dark Mode is available from iOS 13 and can be customized from iOS 14.

To activate via Siri, just say: Hey Siri, turn on Dark Mode.

But if you don’t want to use the virtual assistant, go to Settings –> Screen and brightness –> Dark Mode. And to program a time, continue to Automatic –> Options –> Customized time.